Sunday, January 27, 2013

The Vindicator 1st Issue

                    The Vindicator

Current events.
Investigative journalism.
What The Herald won’t tell you!
The Black Market is now safer than ever! Thank you for choosing
Black Lion!
All sales are final. Only gold and gems are accepted as payment. Exchange rates between currencies are subject to change without notice. Black Lion is not liable for undelivered goods or services. Item pricing and listing fees are subject to change without prior notice. Black Lion does not endorse the sale of stolen items. Black Lion customers are encouraged not to misrepresent their identities. Black Lion is not responsible for replacing lost/ stolen payments or items. You agree to make a payment for all items, even if they are lost or stolen. Black Lion vehemently denies all allegations of being a monopoly. Black Lion reserves the right to refuse any citizens business during inventory speculation and shop maintenance. Black Lion also reserves the right to take payment (magically) out of your pocket before items are picked up or delivered. No merchant, salesperson, vendor, representative, affiliate, customer, supplier or retailer is authorized to modify or override any agreement with Black Lion. Black Lion reserves the right to make changes, however, and will do so. Because. We appreciate your gold. And abhor your business. Thank you for being a Black Lion customer. Your –only- market.

Week At A Glance 
Representative of House Lasarilia claims to  “Drink… an unatturally large amount.”

Former Scion and elementalist Indora Zackwell found dead in the streets Divinity’s Reach of natural causes.

Minster claims that crime is steadily rising!

Black Lion takes a stand against money laundering!

Separatists likely to use Sovereign as an example to spread their views.

Minister supports The Vindicator and a “well-informed public.”

Grandson of Deadrick
Lasarilia wishes to warn public about Sovereign, Charr Elementalist!

Can The Reach stop this dangerous criminal and his 'warband' alone?
Minister Shandar Voss becomes Vice Legate!

Rumours of war in Caledon!

House’s moral standing brought into question!

Alleged Seraph brutality!

Member of Ministry states that “The Reach is full of families both Noble,
and rather shady.”

Slavery brought into question by Minister.

The Baron of Pride allegedly sighted within Ossan Quarter.
Vicious rumours have been circling The Reach that House Crow is in league with the Nightmare Court, and that she plans to attack her own quarter. As to where these rumours started and why, House Crow members had assured The Vindicator that this is not so, and that he has no interest in leading an attack on her own home. The Nightmare Court is currently moving against The Wardens in Caledon Forest, which leads this reporter to believe that The Court itself has more interest in the Sylvari and Pale Tree  than they do in human affairs or politics at this time.

Seraph Brutality.
The Ministry has assured this reporter that they will be ensuring the quality service of the Seraph unto the peoples of The Reach, and that unjust action would not be tolerated within the justsice system.

A Word With A Minster.
Reported by Carlo Doel

    Without a doubt, any involved with The Ministry or The Ministry Guard are servants of the public. But some citizens have expressed the concern that The Ministry, The Ministry Guard and the Seraph cannot tackle the rising issues own their own. Are we to turn to freelancers and vigilantes or are our officials capable of action? 
    Even as the Houses may feud, there are larger issues brewing with the threat of Sovereign, The Nightmare Court, and the usual mix of depraved criminals.

“Crime has been steadily rising and I myself have been witness
to such things.” - Merlarian Lasarilia

This man has pledged “To serve the people of the West Commons, and to
ensure the safety of the Citizens of the Reach.”

He also mentioned the very real threat of “Sovereign, A Charr Elementalist of Great Power. Rest assured the Ministry is doing its utmost to contain and eventually eliminate his threat.”

This representative of the Ministry supports The Vindicator, stating that “A well informed public is of the utmost importance if we are to keep the
confidence of the people.” 

This reporter pledges to keep an eye on the Ministry, its Guard and all affairs surrounding these groups. It wouldn't do well for the public to be unaware of the doings of its own officials. 

Disclaimer: The views depicted and expressed here do not necessarily depict those of The Ministry, The  Ministry Guard, House Lasarilia, ANY of the other Houses, The Seraph, The Queen, The Shining Blade, The Nightmare Court or any other known associates/associations.

District Promenade Faux Pas.
While Divinity’s Reach and its citizens has always celebrated inclusion and diversity- excluding the Charr- some citizens have been concerned with an up-and-coming fashion fad that imitates refracted light. By the Six, what awful look will come after this fashion-disaster craze (hopefully) dies out?

Maitenance worker dies from fall.
The body of a maintenance worker was found in the Central Plaza of Divinity’s Reach. He had been cleaning the public art near the palace and had fallen from the solar system display to his death. He had no friends or family, but his work was appreciated while he was alive.

If you or a loved one have suffered death or serious injury due to owning a mini-karka, mini-karka hatchlings, a mini-air elemental or any other mini-pet on the market, you may be entitled to a legal settlement!

Disclaimer: Successful results are not typical. Few cases have ever been won against the Black Lion Trading Company and its affiliates. Please ignore the small print. It would help us buy our legendary weapons on legal fees alone, which you are responsible for paying regardless of the results of your case being successful or not.

(I have no OOC problems with The Herald, or any of the players/guilds mentioned above. I just think a little competition is good RP.)